How does a ‘private attorney general’ action differ from a class action?

A ‘private attorney general’ action is generally much simpler to pursue than a class action, because it does not require class certification or notice to absent parties. A ‘private attorney general’ action can be much more limited than a class action, because the Unfair Competition Act allows a more limited range of remedies. For instance, instead of monetary damages as in a class action, fines are collected under the Unfair Competition Law.

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Nuclear Facilities and Negligence: Legal Remedies in the Event of Toxic Exposure

Although the radiation leak at the Japanese reactor is unlikely to cause health problems for anyone outside Japan, a similar event in the U.S. is possible and would be very dangerous for those living near a nuclear facility. While nuclear facilities can pose a variety of risks to those who live nearby, successfully suing a nuclear facility or other polluter is another matter entirely. Suing the operator of a nuclear facility, like other lawsuits for contamination of natural resources, is an extremely time-consuming and expensive undertaking.

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