How is real property tax imposed?

Many counties have a real property tax that is imposed on the ownership of real estate located within its boundaries. Real property tax is typically imposed upon the assessed value of the real property and typically set as a percentage of the most recent purchase price paid for a parcel of real property. Real property taxes are imposed and collected at the local level.

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What income is subject to tax?

When it comes to income and taxes, all income is subject to tax. Income translates to gross income and ‘gross income means all income from whatever source derived.’ Gross income includes items such as compensation for services (wages, fees, commissions, etc.), income from business, alimony received and separate maintenance payments, interest earned, rents, and royalties. Even income derived from illegal activities is subject to tax.

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What is the generation skipping tax (GST)?

The purpose of the GST is to tax gifts and inheritances that are given to skipped generations in the same way that gifts and inheritances are taxed that are given to the immediate heirs. Any gift given to a skip person must have not only the standard gift or inheritance tax (depending on when the gift was given), but also an additional tax that is set to the highest inheritance bracket at the time of the gift. This causes most givers to pay equivalent to the gift or often more than the gift itself in taxes.

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What is the reason for paying property taxes?

Property taxes are charged to landowners by local governments, essentially requiring that homeowners pay for the privilege of having land in a given area. The purpose of property taxes is to pay for the necessary infrastructure that keeps towns and cities operating efficiently. Typically property taxes will support the local police and fire department. Property taxes also generally pay for the public school system; this may be included in your general property tax bill or you may receive a separate bill for “school taxes” depending on where you live.

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