What is a bifurcated divorce?

What is a bifurcated divorce? A married couple can decide to settle many matters early and become legally no longer married even when some issues remain to be worked out. Learn about bifurcated divorce all over the United States here.

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The Difference Between Fault and No-Fault Divorce

Fault and no fault are two different methods of obtaining a divorce. Traditionally, in many states, fault divorces were the standard, meaning, a couple could not get a divorce unless there was some reason for doing so. Today, however, no fault divorces are far more common throughout the United States.

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What is a fault divorce?

A fault divorce occurs when one party is blamed by the other and viewed as causing the divorce. Traditionally, couples were not just able to divorce whenever they wanted to; one party to the marriage must have done something that warranted the other wanting to end the marital union.

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