Can my employer prevent me from having a second job?

Although it may not seem fair, your employer may have the authority to prevent you from having a second job. This authority may be enforced through an express contract or an implied contract. You can determine the extent to which you are restricted from having a second job by examining the type of contract you have with your employer.

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Violating Employers Social Networking Policy

Violating an employer’s social networking policy, like a violation of any other employer’s policy, is generally legal grounds for firing or other form of discipline. Most employee business social networking policies prohibit social networking on company time, or posting anything online that reflects negatively on the company. as well as any confidential company information. However, if a business’s social networking media policy covers too much ground, disciplining an employee for social networking activity may cause trouble for the employer.

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Can my employer make a new company dress code after I’ve been hired?

Unless your boss imposes a rule that violates the anti-discrimination and/or civil rights laws, your boss is well within his legal rights to institute a company policy regarding appearance at any time he chooses. Your appearance can and does reflect upon the company where you work and if your boss chooses to limit or prohibit facial piercings, you will need to comply with the new company policy to keep your job.

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