Arrest Based on Rape Accusation

If an individual makes an accusation or allegation of rape, law enforcement officers may investigate the concern. This can lead to the person accused of rape being arrested. It depends on the circumstances of the situation as to whether the investigation leads to the arrest of the individual accused of rape.

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What is extortion?

Extortion is a crime in which one person forces another person to do something against his will, generally to give up money or other property, by threat of violence, property damage, damage to the person’s reputation, or extreme financial hardship. Extortion involves the victim’s consent to the crime, but that consent is obtained illegally.

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Criminally Negligent Homicide

Criminally negligent homicide requires the lowest mental state of all of the homicide offenses: criminal negligence. Criminal negligence is where a defendant should be aware of a substantial and unjustifiable risk, and ignores or fails to appreciate that risk.

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Child Battery

Child battery is a category of offenses used to describe injuries inflicted on children. Some states label child battery offenses with titles like child abuse and injury to a child, or list it as an aggravated form of assault.

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Spousal Abuse Charges

Spousal abuse charges involve assault type offenses, which require that the prosecutor show a spousal relationship and that the victim spouse was abused or assaulted. Read on to learn more about spousal abuse, the available defenses, and possible consequences of a spousal abuse conviction.

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Felony Murder: Specific Intent to Kill

Felony murder is the intentional taking of the life of another; and if convicted, an offender faces an extremely high punishment range, including the death penalty in some states. As such, any defendant charged with felony murder, should understand the charge, any possible defenses, and the punishment options for a felony murder allegation.

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What is negligent homicide?

Negligent homicide occurs when one person causes the death of another without malice, but with a high level of negligence that amounts to criminal negligence.

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Vehicular Manslaughter

Vehicular manslaughter, also known as vehicular homicide, occurs when an individual recklessly causes the death of another person through the use of a motor vehicle.

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