
Bribery is the trading of influence for anything of vale by anyone acting for, on behalf of, or under the authority of the government.

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Preliminary Hearing

A preliminary hearing is most commonly used to determine whether or not probable cause exists that a defendant committed a criminal offense such that he should be held over for trial. Read on for comprehensive information on what a preliminary hearing is, what happens at a preliminary hearing, and the advantages and disadvantages of a preliminary hearing.

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Criminal Conspiracy – Federal Crimes & Consequences

Criminal conspiracy is defined as an agreement between two or more people to commit a crime or to perpetrate an illegal act. It is important to note that an actual crime is not necessary to prosecute a conspiracy case, the intent to break the law is sufficient.

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Obtaining a Passport with a Criminal Conviction

A criminal conviction will not prevent an individual from obtaining a passport. A passport is an identity document that certifies a person’s citizenship and nothing more. In fact, the passport application form does not include questions about the applicant’s criminal history. This means, most convicted criminals, including felons, may obtain a passport unless the terms of sentencing, probation, or parole deny the person a right to a passport. There are two exceptions to this rule.

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Federal Economic Espionage

Economic espionage is a complex legal definition that involves the theft of trade secrets. In effect, economic espionage is the use of a stolen trade secret to benefit foreign powers or in commercial or economic trade.

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Is it worth hiring a lawyer for a misdemeanor?

Hiring an attorney to represent you in court might be worth the cost, even if the charge is only a misdemeanor. Possibility of doing time depending on the type of misdemeanor you are charged with, plus the effects of a conviction on your record, are top reasons for hiring a criminal lawyer.

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Affirmative Defenses

An affirmative defense is generally used as a justification or excuse to the conduct alleged in the complaint, without admitting that the act occurred.

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Counterfeiting is the creation of forged money, bonds, or other valuable documents and consumer goods with the intent to defraud or deceive.

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After arrest, the first step in the criminal process is the arraignment of a defendant. Even though the arraignment process is fairly quick and simple, it can still be a critical step for a defendant.

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